Черкасова Светлана Петровна | Директор
Черкасова Светлана Петровна
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We are glad to welcome you on the pages of our website. Someone said that every person is a whole world... And very different children study at our school: everyone has their own idea of good and evil, honor, human dignity, beauty and happiness. And no matter how different we are, the only thing that unites us all is this house, to which we come every day, the house whose name is School!
A house where a colossal stream of information, sensations and experiences flows into the souls and consciousness of children every day… The house where the formation of the personality of each child begins. The school lives its own life, develops and changes, breathes, pleases and captures.
May the breath of the school spread to you, may our joys become yours, and our sorrows bypass you. We will tell you about our school life, about the creative work of teachers, the achievements of students, our holidays and everyday life.
From year to year, many things change in our school, but one thing remains unchanged: the school still exists only for children and tries to give children and their parents a space of well-being, success and safety. Our school is a big, reliable, warm house, where there is work and rest, holidays and weekdays, and most importantly, good traditions.
Черкасова Светлана Петровна
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We are glad to welcome you on the pages of our website. Someone said that every person is a whole world... And very different children study at our school: everyone...
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user Заместитель директора по Воспитательной работе
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user Заместитель директора по Учебно-воспитательной работе
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